Summary and analysis of Invitation by Shel Silver

About the writer Shel Silver

Shel Silver (1930-1999) was born in America. He is one of the influential poets. Besides, he is also known as a musician, screenwriter, and author of children's books. He claims that his styles of poems are his own creation.

Summary of the poem Invitation

In this poem Invitation, the poet as a speaker invites people to come to his house. The reason for inviting people is that he has got 'Flax Golden Tales' to share with them. He particularly invites a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, and a pretender to come in, sit beside his fire, and spin "Flax Golden Tales". The poem appeals to us for reading and telling stories in particular. Thus, the poet believes that storytelling entertains people of different types like a dreamer, a pretender, and a wisher.

Application of the poem Invitation in Four Levels

i. Literal Comprehension

 Shel Silverstein is an American poet, born in 1930. The poem 'Invitation' is one of the popular and influential works by Silverstein. The poet assumes that everybody is gifted with imagination so that they can join the poet near the fire of creativity. Then, they can spin/make the 'Flax Golden Tales' being together. However, the poet invites all people without considering their interests, attitudes, qualification, and behaviors just for making the 'Flax Golden Tales’.

ii. Interpretation

The poem highlights people's imagination to carry out any action in day-to-day life. Similarly, it encourages its readers to use their imagination for building up Flax-Golden Tales without considering their wishing and even hoping. So, the right use of imagination with creativity makes everyone cheerful, peaceful, and progressive improving their weaknesses or wrong assumptions in each action. This poem tries to make all people united for the new action to perform too.

iii. Critical Thinking

The poem is very much interesting. It teaches us to explore our imagination being all people together. It also motivates all readers to use their imagination. Those are the positive points of the poem consists of. However, the poem does have some weak points, too. It means the poet does not consider the fact that if Flax- Golden Tales were made by liars and pretenders, then, it would misguide or cheat the readers. Therefore, it would be better if the tales are made by the right people in terms of behavior, attitudes, and manners to guide the readers/people in the right way.

iv. Assimilation

I am highly impressed by this poem. It has touched my earlier life. This poem makes me remember the pastness of my life when I used to tell and listen to the tales with my close friends. In fact, the formation of 'Flax Golden Tales' as a literary creation is a wonderful work that pleases everyone's mind and heart. The poem and its title are so persuasive that it always invites all people to be together and weave the tales using their creative imagination.

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5. About the Four Levels of Application in Literary Text 

i. Literal Comprehension 

Literal comprehension is one of the significant levels readers make the interaction with the text they consult. At this level, proficient readers are supposed to consider the following points:

Context:- It is good, to begin with, the contextual framework of the text; for example; social, historical, political, religious, educational, etc.

Writer:- Along with the context, readers should consider the writer of the text. It is said that a writer lives forever by writing the text and readers always keep on interacting with the writer even in his/her absence.

Setting:- Good readers are supposed to have the crystal information of the setting. It means setting tells them the place and time of the events happened."

Plot:- Plot provides the information of the description of, events. Therefore, readers are required to retell the plot in their own words as far as possible in novels, short stories, poems, and dramas. In addition, literal comprehension often implies the ability of the readers to restate the argument in an essay.

ii. Interpretation

Interpretation is the matter of understanding the text by the reader. Since the understanding of the text differs from individual to individual, so is the interpretation. However, at this level, readers are supposed to express the central ideas indirectly in both literary and non-literary texts like stories, poems, dramas, essays, etc. In addition, they need to go beyond the context that the writer has addressed in the text.

iii. Critical Thinking

At this level, the reader tries to be clear and objective in each and every text so that he/she can establish a good interaction with the text. He/she is to distinguish the particular issues and make criticism with weak and good aspects. Similarly, readers are required to use their creative minds to question those controversial subject matters with their logic. In short, objective evaluation and fair criticism of each aspect of the text, both literary and non-literary, by the reader is preferred.

iii. Assimilation 

Assimilation means to take information or ideas from the text that the reader has gone with. At this level, the reader supplies the ideas that he learns from the text into his own life. Furthermore, the text might influence, affect and touch to change the reader's ways of looking at the world. Therefore, every reader should try to answer the following questions while making interaction with the text:

What is the significance of this text for me?

What is the meaning of the text for me?

Can text help me understand anything I didn't understand before?

Is there any significance and difference between the present text with other texts that I have already read?

Does this text suggest some connections that I have never perceived before?

In conclusion, reading well is an art. Good readers always read the texts, explore the horizons of their minds, and use their potential. Similarly, they are encouraged to apply the four levels mentioned above simultaneously, interwoven, and spontaneously.

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