Popular Machine by Raymond Carver [Summary]

"Popular Mechanics," describes an argument between a man and a woman that rapidly escalates into a physical struggle over their baby. The condition of the society in which there is a failure of communication between husbands and wives is a bitter representation of our ailing times. The title of the story comes from a magazine for technology and engineering called Popular Mechanics.

Popular Machine by Raymond Carver

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About the writer Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver (1938-1988) was an American writer, poet, and short-story writer. His works often centered on the hardship of lower-class life. Carver grew up in Yakima, Washington, and attended a community college before transferring to the University of Oregon, where he studied journalism. He became successful as a short story writer from his story collection Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (1976).

In his short stories, Carver usually presented the everyday lives and problems of the working poor. His characters are crushed by broken marriages, financial problems, and failed careers, but they are often unable to understand or even articulate their own anguish. Carver's minimalist prose style is remarkable for its honesty and power.

Popular Machines by Raymond Carver [Summary]

The story is about two adults and a little child.  The adults are separating and fighting to get the only baby. The male and a female struggle to win a baby using force. Nothing much has been said about the relationship between the male and female in the story. However, the writer has presented such debate between them from which we can identify them as husband and wife.

The story opens with the man packing up to leave the house. In the meantime, he and the wife get into an argument to keep the baby. The reason for their separation is not clear. It can be seen that their separation is not friendly. The husband and wife show a lack of communication during their argument. Their argument quickly turns into a physical struggle. They both start pulling the baby and it cries out in pain. Their ego reaches to the extent that they could not feel the child’s cry and pain.

The major themes of the short story "Popular Mechanics" are lack of communication, separation, and struggle. The tone of the story is aggressive.

The final line, "In this manner, the issue was decided" is ambiguous. But it indicates that either the baby's arm is broken or the baby is ripped apart by the parents' struggle to keep him.

Popular Machine [Question answer]

At what time of day does the story occur? How do you know?

Ans: The real event of the story occurs in the evening because there is written "it was getting dark" and "dark on the inside".

Where is the baby's picture in the story Popular Machines?

Ans: The baby's picture is on the bed.

Is the baby a boy or a girl? Does it make a difference?

Ans: It is the boy. It makes a difference because, in the story, parents want to possess a son who can be a stick to their old age.

Are they hurting the baby? How do you know?

Ans: They are hurting the baby because both of them are grabbing and tugging the baby's arm side by side.

How is irony used in this story Popular Machines?

Ans: The irony used in this story is that both parents want to have the son but the parents seem losing the son by hurting him. Due to their rage at each other, they make the baby’s face red and scream. In, In other words, the irony is that neither parent get the baby, even though they are so worried to have him.

Why is the final sentence in the passive voice?

Ans: The final sentence is the passive voice because the issue does not settle positively and actively.

What does the baby represent?

Ans: The baby represents the parent's affection.

What may be the two meanings of the word "issue "(34)?"

Ans: The two possible meanings of the word issue are: "matter" and concern

How would you deal with these two parents if you were a judge in the story Popular Machines? Why?

Ans: If I were a judge, I would tell them to stay together and nurse their son. I would say quarrel between husband & wife give adverse effect to baby. I would also say that separation of parents is not good, and in such conditions, a baby cannot be bloomed well. I will try to teach them the values of love, emotion, kindness, and so on. If they want to be detached and have the baby, as a judge, I will take the support of a wife because an infant needs more care from her mother than his father.

Who, do you think, really wants the baby? Why do you think so?

Ans: The mother wants the baby and it is her duty too because she has to nurse, breastfeed and look after the small baby. If the husband wants the baby, he would not snatch the baby forcefully with all his weight (from his wife).

Is the title "Popular Mechanics" justified?

Ans: Somehow, I think that the title is justified because the implication is that the way the man and woman handle their differences is widespread or typical and, popular. In the modern age, separation, divorce, and failure of communication between husband and wife are so common (popular). Such practices especially in a developed country have become common mechanics. Due to patriarchal norms and behavior, parents think that sons can be the pillar of their old age. So, they want to have a son if they are getting divorced or deserted. It is also a popular mechanic in the world.

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